Research Publications
June 8, 2023 2025-01-23 19:32Research Publications
Research Publications
Research Publication List
Research Areas Publications
- Nagendrakumar, N., Alwis, K.N.N., Eshani, U.A.K., Kaushalya, S.B.U. (2023). Prediction of corporate financial distress in the travel and tourism industry. Corporate Ownership and Control. (ABDC-B Rank).
- Nagendrakumar, N., Alwis, K.N.N., Eshani, U.A.K., Kaushalya, S.B.U. (2023). Prediction of corporate financial distress in the travel and tourism industry. Corporate Ownership and Control. (ABDC-B Rank).
- Nagendrakumar, N., Lokeshwara, A., Jayasuriya, K. R. G. T., Ravisara, H. G. A. M.., Weerawickrama, M. J.. and Madushan, M. G. D. (2023) “Socio-Economic Factors and Tourism – Impact Analysis using Indicator Approach”, ASEAN Journal on Hospitality and Tourism, 21(1), pp. 1-16. doi: 10.5614/ajht.2023.21.1.01.
- Nagendrakumar, N., Alwis, K.N.N., Eshani, U.A.K., Kaushalya, S.B.U. (2022). The Impact of Sustainability Practices on the Going Concern of the Travel and Tourism Industry: Evidence from Developed and Developing Countries. Sustainability. 10.3390/su142417046. (H-index 109)
- Nagalingam, N., & Malinga, C. (2022). Corporate governance and firm integrated performance: Issues, challenges, and opportunities faced by nation in crisis. Corporate Board: Role, Duties and Composition, 18(2), 27–34. (H-index 9).
- Nagendrakumar N, Naduni M, and Umashangar Y. (2022). Human Value Inclusion in Financial Statements: Boost or Waste. Corporate Ownership and Control, 20(1), 87-94. 10.22495/cocv20i1art8 (H-index 21)
- Nagendrakumar N and Ridmi R.R.M.T.R.T (2022). Impact of Service Quality on Tourist Satisfaction: A Case of Sri Lankan Hotels. SLIIT Business Review, 2(1),29-46.
- Nagendrakumar N, Naduni Madhavika, Yuresh Nadishan, Zakiya Ameen, Kasuni Kulatunga, Anuththara Perera and Chamika Perera (2022). Revisiting Navarro et al.: A Double Tilt View-Students’ Satisfaction with Professional Accounting Education. International Journal of Auditing and Accounting Studies. 4(2), 183-209.
- Nagalingam, N., De Silva, L. M. H., Weerasinghe, R. M., Pathirana, T. D., Rajapaksha, C. M., Perera, K. R., and Kaneshwaren, S. (2022). Corporate social responsibility and financial performance: A study of the tourism industry in Sri Lanka. Corporate Ownership & Control, 19(4), 103–110 (B rank). (H-index 21)
- Yapabandara, A., and Nagendrakumar, N. (2022). Did the effects of the pandemic affect online/digital banking adoption in Sri Lanka? Int. J. Electronic Banking, 3(3),238-262.
- Nagendrakumar N., Kumarapperuma C., Malinga J A C., Gayanthika S D K., Perera Y A M D., Amanda H N. (2022). Corporate governance and firm integrated performance: a conceptual framework. Corporate Governance and Sustainability Review, 6(2), 8-7.
- Nagendrakumar N., Lokeswara A.A., Gunawardena S.A.D.C.K., Kodikara U.P., Rajapaksha R.W.N.H., and Ratnayake K.R.M.C.S. (2022). Modeling and forecasting Tourist Arrivals in Sri Lanka. SLIIT Business Review 1(2), 95-120.
- Nagendrakumar N., Malsinghe M.T.D., Gunathilaka M.H.A., Bandara I.P.C.D., Wijerathne., A.I. and Madhavika, W.D.N., (2022). Sustainable supply chains of Sri Lankan manufacturing organizations: A study on operational excellence models during the covid-19 pandemic. Operations and Supply Chain Management, 15(2),228-239.
- Sharmilan Sureshwaran, Kithusshand Raveendran, Nilakshana Rajeswaran, Sriram Rajeswaran ” “Digital Learning For Kids” “, International Journal of Advanced Research and Publications, Volume 5, Issue 11, Nov 2022 Edition, Page no. 67-76.
- Kugashini.G and Abirami.R., “Self-esteem of the faculty of Arts 3rd year students : research based on University of Jaffna” ,2nd Undergraduate Research Symposium in Arts( URSA-2022), Jaffna, Sri Lanka,2022,pp.51, doi: ISSN2820-2392.
- N. Nagendrakumar, W.D.N. Madhavika, L.D.Y. Kalpani, W.A.Y.Pushpamali, S.W.M.Rashmi Nisansala, G.V.M. Madumi Bashini. (2021). The nexus between innovations and banking performance – during covid-19 pandemic. Design Engineering (Toronto), 06, 5427- 5444.
- Nagendrakumar, N., Madhavika W.D.N., Rathnayake, R.M.T., Colombathanthri, P.S.H., Jayaweera, J.H.M.P.S.B., and Buddhika, M.S. (2021). Resource Optimization in Paddy Cultivation, for Developing Countries; A Sector Synergetic Approach. Alinteri Journal of Agri Science, 36(2): 122-131. DOI: 10.47059/alinteri/V36I2/AJAS21124
- Nagendrakumar, N., Madhavika W.D.N., Abusaly, H., Fernando, D. (2021). Testing the Validity of Purchasing Power Parity: A Comparison of Sri Lanka and Pakistan. The Empirical Economics Letters, 20 (1). DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.3886134
- Nagendrakumar, N., Lokeshwara, A.A., Jayasuriya, K.R.G.T., Ravisara, H.G.A.M., Weerawickrama, M.J., Madushan, M.G.D. (2021). Conceptual Study on Socio-Economic Impact of the Decline in Firm Performances of Hotels in Sri Lanka. International Journal of Social Science Research, 9(1), 39-53. doi:10.5296/ijssr.v9i1.17719. DOI: 10.5296/ijssr.v9i1.17719
- Nagendrakumar, N., Madhawika, W.D.N., Nadishan, G.S.W.Y., Zakia, A., Kulathunga, K., Perera, A., Perera, C. (2020). An Empirical Study of Students’ Satisfaction with Professional Accounting Education Programs. Available at SSRN: or
- Nagendrakumar, N. (2020). Extending the Institutional Theory: Public Sector Accounting and Financial Reporting Perspectives, Sri Lanka. International Journal on Governmental Financial Management – 20 (1), 2-19.
- Nagendrakumar, N., Madhavika, W.D.N., Weerawardhana, K.W.P.T.R., Vishwadeepa, D.D.P., Anushani, D.M.S., Alahakoon, A.M.Y.U. (2020). Sustainability of Hotels: Evidence from Tourism Industry in Sri Lanka. TEST Engineering and Management, 83, 15559-15561.
- Nagendrakumar, N. (2019). Human Value Inclusion in Financial Statements: Concern for Standard Setters. International Journal of Auditing and Accounting Studies, 1(1), 101-111.
- R.Sinthujan et al. (2018) ‘Biometric based digital signature scheme for land registry verification’, International Journal of Research Publications, 11(1). Available at:
- Nagendrakumar, N. (2018). Country Specific Factors: Public Sector Accounting and Financial Reporting Reforms in Sri Lanka. International Journal on Governmental Financial Management, 18(2), 12-27.
- Nagendrakumar, N. (2018). Local Government Accounting: Hodgepodge or Harmony. International Journal on Governmental Financial Management, 18(1), 72-76.
- Rathnaweera P B, Walgama RC, Jayasundera KU, Herath SD, Abira S, Williams De, Andersen RJ, De Silva ED. (2018) “Antibacterial activities of endophytic fungi isolated from six Sri Lankan plants of the family Cyperaceae” Bangaladesh Journal of Pharmacology (BJP)13: 264-272
- Nagendrakumar, N. (2017). Public Sector Accounting and Financial Reporting Reforms: Public Entities Perspectives, Sri Lanka. International Journal on Governmental Financial Management, 17(1), 17-34.
- Nagendrakumar, N. (2017). Evolution of Public Sector Accounting in Sri Lanka. Vidyawarta-International Multi-Lingual Research Journal,17(6), 76-88.
- Abira S, Gunaratne RD, Paranagama PA, De Silva KRD (23-25th November 2017) “Method of incorporation of natural antioxidant from cinnamon leaf oil as an antioxidant into surgical and examination gloves” International symposium on Traditional and Complementary Medicine (TradmedInternational) Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Abira S, De Silva KRD, Thiruchenduran S, Gunaratne RD, Paranagama PA (23-25 November 2017) “Assessment of the applicability of Supercritical Fluid extraction method in preparing Cinnamomum zeylanicum bark oleoresins extracts based on antioxidant assays” International symposium on Traditional and Complementary Medicine (Tradmed International) Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Abira S, Pamoda B R, Dilip De Silva E (19th-20th January 2017) “Antibacterial Activity of Endophytic Fungi from Fimbristylis miliacea” International Research Symposium, Uva Wellassa University (IRSUWU) Badulla, Sri Lanka.
- Herath S D, Abira S, Rathnaweera P B, Nishantha K M D W P, De Silva E D (29 September 2017) “Feeding Deterrence and Larvicidal of Endophytic Fungi Isolated from Fimbristylis miliacea” Institute of Biology 37th Annual Sessions, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Nagendrakumar, N. (2015). Applicability of Sri Lanka Public Sector Accounting Standards: Trincomalee Urban Council, Sri Lanka. South Eastern University – Journal of Management,12(2), 109-120. DOI:10.4038/jm.v12i2.7580.
- Nagendrakumar, N. (2015). The Development of Public Sector Accounting and Financial Reporting in Sri Lanka. International Journal of Governmental Financial Management, 15(2),70-88.
- Nagendrakumar, N. (2015). Views of Reality and Research in Behavioral Science. Vidyawarta: Multi-Lingual International Journal, 10(6), 9-14.
- Nagendrakumar, N. (2014). Categories and Research. Vidyawarta: Multi Lingual International Journal, 8(1), 120-126.
- Nagendrakumar, N., Kirushanthi, K. (2014). The Study on Critical Success Factors of Licensed Commercial Banks Eastern Province, Sri Lanka. Vidyawarta: Multi-Lingual International Journal, 8(2), 111-119.
- Nagendrakumar, N., Jayasundara, N.S. (2014). Students’ Satisfaction with Post Graduate Degree Programmes offered by different Higher Education Institutions in Sri Lanka. International Journal of Social Sciences and Entrepreneurship, 1(10), 1-8.
- Nagendrakumar, N. (2014). The effectiveness of Financial Accounting and Reporting Practices introduced to Eastern Provincial Council, Sri Lanka. ADRRI JOURNAL, 4(4) (2), 8-17.
- Nagendrakumar, N. (2014). Accounting Technology for Governance: Financial Accounting and Reporting Perspectives of Provincial Councils, Sri Lanka. Vidyawarta, Interdisciplinary Multilingual International Journal, 5(1),141-152.
- Nagendrakumar, N., Ramees, M.R. (2008). An Analysis of Financial performance, financial position and creditworthiness about Commercial Bank Limited and Sampath Bank Limited, Harbour-Annual Journal, Faculty of Communication and Business Studies, Trincomalee Campus of Eastern University, Sri Lanka, Issue,02, 58-70.
- Nagendrakumar, N. (2008). A survey on operations of Theesan’s (Pvt) Ltd. The Habour, Annual Journal, Faculty of Communication and Business Studies, Trincomalee Campus of Eastern University of Sri Lanka, Issue,02, 1-38.
- Nagendrakumar, N. (2006). The Time gap of financial information communication at Divisional Secretariats in Trincomalee district, Mentor, The Journal of Business Studies, 1 (Aug), 21-38.
- Nagendrakumar, N. (2001). Industrial development in Sri Lanka during last two decades – Mentor, Journal of Faculty of Commerce & Management, Eastern University, 1(2), 13-21.
- Velnampy, T., & Nimalathasan, B. (2007). Impact of organizational Growth on Profitability: A Study of Bank of Ceylon, Sri Lanka. Annamalai Business Review, 2(1): 1-9.
- Nimalathasan, B.(2008). A Comparative Study of Financial Performance of Banking Sector in Bangladesh: An Application of CAMELS Rating System. Analele, Economics and Administrative Series, of the University of Bucharest Romania, VII: 4-52.
- Nimalathasan,B.(2008).A Relationship between Owner-Manager’s Environmental Awareness and Small Business Performance. Manager, University of Bucharest, 7, 83-88.
- Velnampy,T.,& Nimalathasan, B.(2008). An Association between Organizational Growth and Profitability in Commercial Bank of Ceylon Ltd in Sri Lanka. Analele Economics and Administrative Series, of the University of Bucharest, II, 43-52.
- Nimalathasan,B.(2009).An Investigation of Financial Soundness of Listed Manufacturing Companies in Sri Lanka: An Application of Altman Model. Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti Bulletin, Economic Science Series, LXI(4),19-25.
- Nimalathasan, B. (2009). An Association between Market Orientation and Business Performance: The Case of Small Medium Enterprises in Sri Lanka. Manager, University of Bucharest, 10, 122-130.
- Ather, S.M., & Nimalathasan, B. (2009). Factor Analysis: Nature, Mechanism & Uses in Social and Management Researches. Journal of ICMAB of Bangladesh, XXXVII (2),12- 16.
- Nimalathasan, B.(2009). Determinants of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) of Private Sector Banks in Sri Lanka: An Application of Exploratory Factor Analysis. The Annals of the STEFAN CELMARE,9(2/10), 9-17.
- Nimalathasan, B (2009). Social Responsibility of Business: A Case Study of Grameen Phone in Bangladesh. Analele of University Bucharest, Economic and Administrative Sciences, 227-237.
- Nimalathasan,B.,(2009). Profitability of Listed Pharmeutical Companies in Bangladesh: An Inter & Intra comparison Ambee & Ibn Sina companies Ltd. Analele of University Bucharest, Economic and Administrative Sciences, 139-148.
- Nimalathasan,B.,& Taher, M.A.(2009).Entrepreneurship Development Potentiality in Bangladesh – A Lessons for Sri Lanka, Annamalai Business Review, 3(2),21-31.
- Nimalathasan,B.(2010). Working Capital Management and Its Impact on Profitability: A Study of Selected Listed Manufacturing Companies in Sri Lanka, Manager, University of Bucharest, 12,76-82.
- Nimalathasan,B., & Valeriu,B.(2010). Capital Structure and Its Impact on Profitability: A Study of Listed Manufacturing Companies in Sri Lanka. Young Economics Journal (RTE),7-12.
- Nimalathasan,B., & Valeriu,B.(2010). Association between Critical, Creative Thinking and Problem Solving in Accounting Researches: An Overview, Young Economics Journal (RTE),7-12.
- Subramaniyam, A., & Nimalathasan, B.(2010).Value Added Reporting: A Case Study of Abans Listed Manufacturing Company Limited in Sri Lanka. The Annals of the “STEFAN CEL MARE”, University of SUCEAVA, Fascicie of the Faculty of Economics and Public Administration,10(1),142-147.
- Velnampy, T., & Nimalathasan, B. (2010). Firm Size on Profitability: A Comparative Study of Bank of Ceylon and Commercial Bank of Ceylon Ltd in Sri Lanka. Global Journal of Management and Business Research for Publication (GJMBR),10(2),96-103.
- Nimalathasan,B., & Taher, M.A.(2010). Entrepreneurship Development through Business Education in Sri Lanka: A Country Profile. Sankhya International Journal of Management and Technology, 1(2), 17-22.
- Nimalathasan,B. (2010). Empowering Women Through Entrepreneurship Development in Emerging Economies Analele Universitath Bucuresti, IV,63-70.
- Absar, N.M.N., & Nimalathasan, B.(2010). HR Practices of Industrial Enterprises in Bangladesh: An Approach to Factor Analysis. The Bangladesh Accountant Journal of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Bangladesh,67(38), 79-84.
- Nimalathasan,B.(2010).Working Capital Management Practices: A Case Study of Listed Manufacturing Companies in Sri Lanka. India, Journal of IPM. 11(1), 65-74.
- Kumar Gandhi, R.,Taher, M.A.,& Nimalathasan,B.(2010). Retail Management Attitudes towards and their impact on Internee’s Performance: A Study of Selected Retail Enterprises in Bangladesh. SRM Management Digest, 8,107-115.
- Nimalathasan,B.(2010). Exploring Core Competencies of Readymade Garments (RMGs) Manufacturers in Bangladesh: An Application of Exploratory Factor Analysis. Ekonomika,56(1),47-53.
- Md.Abu Taher & Nimalathasan,B.(2010). Industrial Relations in Sri Lanka: Lessons for Bangladesh. Annamalai Business Review, 4(2): 43-51.
- Kumar Gandhi,R., & Nimalathasan,B.(2011).Liquidity Analysis of State Bank of India. Manager, 14,227-237
- Alok Kumar, P. and Nimalathasan,B.(2012).Value Added: A Measure of Corporate Performance. Knowledge Hub, 1(7): 64-74
- Ajanthan,A., Balaputhiran,S. & Nimalathasan,B (2013). Corporate Governance and Banking Performance: A Comparative Study between Private and State Banking Sector in Sri Lanka. European Journal of Business and Management 08/2013; 5(20):92-100.
- Sankar,S & Nimalathasan,B. (2016). Impact of Performing Assets on Public Sector Banks with Reference to India. Global Journal of Business and Management Research,4(1),46-51.
- Ramesh,S. & Nimalathasan,B., & Maran.K.(2017). Political Events of Sri Lanka and Their Impact on Market Efficiency and Stock Prices: A Case in Colombo Stock Exchange (CSE) between the Periods of 2005-2017. Emperor International Journal of Finance and Management Research, III (VIII), 13-20.
- Nimalathasan, B (2019). Audit Committee Characteristics and Their Impact of Intellectual Capital Disclosure: A Study of Listed Manufacturing Companies in Sri Lanka. Asia Pacific Journal of Management Accounting 14 (1), 136-149. [Listed in ABDC].
- Anojan,V & Nimalathasan.B (2020). Perception of Staff on Internal Audit: A Case Study in Northern Provincial Council of Sri Lanka. Sankhya International Journal of Management and Technology, 8(1), 43-54.
- Piriya,M.,Velnamby,T and Nimalathasan,B. (2023).Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) on Firm Performance in Sri Lankan Listed Companies. MENTOR, The Journal of Business Studies, Faculty of Commerce and Management, Eastern University Sri Lanka 07(01),49-59.
- Navaneethan,V. Velnamby,T and Nimalathasan,B. (2023). The Socio-economic Development Efforts in the Post-war Northern Sri Lanka: A Review of the Secondary Data. Vavuniya Journal of Business Management, 5(II), 1-18.
- P. Mahadevan, P. Srihari, K. Seyon, P. Vasavan, and R. Panchendrarajan, “Tamil Grammarly – A Typing Assistant for Tamil Language using Natural Language Processing,” 2023 3rd International Conference on Advanced Research in Computing (ICARC), Belihuloya, Sri Lanka, 2023, pp. 154-159, doi: 10.1109/ICARC57651.2023.10145744. Keywords: {Asia; Focusing; Transformers; Natural Language Processing; Real-time systems; Grammar; Grammar Checking; Spell Checking; Next word Prediction; Synonym Suggestion}
- T. Arumaiththurai and B. Mayurathan, “The Effect of Deep Learning and Machine Learning Approaches for Brain Tumor Recognition,” 2021 10th International Conference on Information and Automation for Sustainability (ICIAfS), Negambo, Sri Lanka, 2021, pp. 185-190, doi: 10.1109/ICIAfS52090.2021.9605909. Keywords: {Deep learning; Support vector machines; Brain modeling; Convolutional neural networks; Decision trees; Task analysis; Sustainable development; Brain Tumor Recognition; GLCM; SVM; Decision Tree; CNN}
- Niroji Thayalan, Jeyarasa Pratheepan, Selvaradnam Thayalan, “Exploring the advances in computer applications with the Internet of Things (IoT) for optimized agricultural farm management.”
- Jeyarasa Pratheepan, Niroji Thayalan, “Multi-Tensor Random-Walk Probabilistic Fibre Tracking Algorithms: Solving Complex Fibre Configurations in the Brain.”
- D. Chelvaratnam, A. Nazar, S. Balasingam, and T. Kartheeswaran, “Quality Based Road Ranking System Using Accelerometer and GPS of Sensors of Smartphones,” 2022 7th International Conference on Business and Industrial Research (ICBIR), Bangkok, Thailand, 2022, pp. 457-460, doi: 10.1109/ICBIR54589.2022.9786392. Keywords: {Accelerometers; Databases; Roads; Transportation; Sensor systems and applications; Surface roughness; Real-time systems; Accelerometer Sensor; GPS; Google API; Android}
- Saroon Mohammed Aflal, Sutharshan Shamugarajah, K. Thiruthanigesan, Balarajan Balasubramaniam, Uthpala Samarakoon, Roshan G Ragel, “The Impact of AI-Driven Educational Transformation in Sri Lanka’s Higher Education.”
- K. Thiruthanigesan, R. D. Nawarathna, and R. G. Ragel, “A Systematic Approach for Object Detection in Unconstrained Environments,” 2023 IEEE 17th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS), Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, 2023, pp. 215-220, doi: 10.1109/ICIIS58898.2023.10253488. Keywords: {Deep learning; Computer vision; Systematics; Surveillance; Weapons; Object detection; Market research; Object detection; Unconstrained Environment; Computer Vision; Machine Learning; Deep Learning}
- K. Thiruthanigesan, R. D. Nawarathna, and R. G. Ragel, “Enhanced YOLOv4 for Facilitating Public Safety Management amidst Protests and Riots,” 2023 IEEE 17th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS), Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, 2023, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/ICIIS58898.2023.10253556. Keywords: {Performance evaluation; Law enforcement; Weapons; Safety management; Object detection; Life estimation; Personnel; Object detection; Computer Vision; Machine Learning; Public Safety Management; Public Protests and Riots; Deep Learning; YOLOv4}
- K. Thiruthanigesan, R. D. Nawarathna, and R. G. Ragel, “Suspicious Object Detection in Environments with Tear Gas,” 2021 IEEE 16th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS), Kandy, Sri Lanka, 2021, pp. 185-190, doi: 10.1109/ICIIS53135.2021.9660682.Keywords: {Training; Law enforcement; Surveillance; Object detection; Detectors; Real-time systems; Iron; Object detection; Computer Vision; Machine Learning; Tear gas; Deep Learning; YOLOv4; Public Security Surveillance}
- K. Thiruthanigesan and R. G. Ragel, “Optical Character Translation Using Spectacles (OCTS),” 2019 14th Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS), Kandy, Sri Lanka, 2019, pp. 186-191, doi: 10.1109/ICIIS47346.2019.9063318. Keywords: {Optical character recognition software; Optical imaging; Integrated optics; Character recognition; Adaptive optics; Feature extraction; Optical Character Recognition; Optical Character Translation Using Spectacles; OCR; OCTS}
- K. Thiruthanigesan, N. Thiruchchelvan, A.M. Vinitha, J.J. Inico, “Zoo Information Management System (ZIMS) for Anna Zoological Park, Chennai, India.”
- V. Thushyanthy, K. Thiruthanigesan, W.M.P.P. Wanninayake, N. Thiruchchelvanz, “Automated Certificate Issuing and Students’ Management System for College of Technology.”
- V. Balalojanan, T. Jeyaperatha, K. Thiruthanigesan, W.M.P.P. Wanninayake, N. Thiruchchelvan, “Secured Library Management System (LMS) for Public Library of Jaffna.”
- V. Balalojanan, T. Jeyaperatha, K. Thiruthanigesan, N. Thiruchchelvan, “Secure Login Using Encrypted Password and Email Based Login Approach.”
- K. Thiruthanigesan, N. Thiruchchelvan, “Data Verification and Validation Process in the Management System Development.”
- K. Thiruthanigesan, N. Thiruchchelvan, “Data Verification and Validation Process in the Management System Development.”
- N. Niranjani, B. Tharmila, C. Sukirtha, K. Kamalraj, S. Thanujan, P. Janarthanan, N. Thiruchchelvan, K. Thiruthanigesan, “The Real-Time Face Detection and Recognition System.”
- N. Niranjani, B. Tharmila, C. Sukirtha, K. Kamalraj, S. Thanujan, P. Janarthanan, N. Thiruchchelvan, K. Thiruthanigesan, “The Real-Time Face Detection and Recognition System.”
- T. Jeyaperatha, K. Thiruthanigesan, N. Thiruchchelvan, “Analyzing Efficiency and Effectiveness of Clap Switch Mechanism.”
- A. Piratheepan, S. Sasikaran, P. Thanushkanth, S. Tharsika, M. Nathiya, C. Sivakaran, N. Thiruchchelvan, K. Thiruthanigesan, “Fingerprint Voting System Using Arduino.”
- G. Tharmarajah, D.J. Cleland, Su Taylor, Des Robinson, “FRP reinforced laterally restrained concrete slabs in Advanced Composites in Construction,” 2009, Edinburgh, UK, Netcomposites, September 2009.
- G. Tharmarajah, D.J. Cleland, Su Taylor, Des Robinson, “Influence of reinforcement percentage in FRP reinforced laterally restrained slabs in Concrete Communication Symposium,” 2009, Leeds, United Kingdom, pp. 38-39, The Concrete Centre, UK, September 2009.
- G. Tharmarajah, D.J. Cleland, Su Taylor, Des Robinson, “Compressive Membrane action in FRP reinforced slabs in 9th International Symposium on FRP Reinforcement for Concrete Structures,” 2009, Sydney, Australia, FRPRCS, July 2009.
- Gobithas Tharmarajah, Su Taylor, Desmond Robinson, “Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Compressive Membrane Action in GFRP-Reinforced Concrete Slabs,” Polymers, vol. 15, Issue 5, 2023, pp. 1230,
- Chirath Hettiarachchi, Gobithas Tharmarajah, “Effect of Surface Modification and Fibre Content on the Mechanical Properties of Coconut Fibre Reinforced Concrete,” Advanced Materials Research, vol. 1159, 2020, pp. 78-99,
- Paul Archbold, Gobithas Tharmarajah, “Evaluation of corrosion-resistant basalt-fiber-reinforced polymer bars and carbon-fiber-reinforced polymer grid reinforcement to replace steel in precast concrete underground utility vaults,” PCI Journal, vol. 61, Issue 5, 2016, pp. 69-76,
- Gobithas Tharmarajah, Su Taylor, D.J. Cleland, Des Robinson, “Corrosion-resistant FRP reinforcement for bridge deck slabs,” Proceeding of ICE- Bridge Engineering, vol. 168, Issue 3, 2015, pp. 208-217,
Research Paper Presentations
- Piumi Gamage, Kalpani Sendanayake, Nishani Thakshila, Sanduni Mirihagalla, Nagalingam Nagendrakumar &* Anuja. A. Lokeshwara (2023), Accounting Profession – Navigating the Future Landscape. 18th Annual International Research Conference on Management and Finance, Faculty of Management and Finance, University of Colombo, 17th November, 2023.
- Nagendrakumar N and Kaushalya Perera D.D. (2022). An Investigation on Factors Affecting the Adoption of Technological Advancements in Garment Industry of Sri Lanka. 14th International Conference on Emerging Management Practices on Transforming Business in ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) and 2nd Doctoral Colloquium-Ganpat University, Gujarat, India.
- Nagendrakumar N., Cooray B.V.D., and Prathapasingha L.N.D.K. (2022). Impact of Personality on Consumer Impulse Buying Behavior: Special Reference to Fashion Retail Stores in Colombo District, Sri Lanka. 14th International Conference on Emerging Management Practices on Transforming Business in ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) and 2nd Doctoral Colloquium-Ganpat University, Gujarat, India.
- Nagendrakumar N. and Balasooriya T. (2022). Sustainability in Traditional Coir Processing in Sri Lanka. 14th International Conference on Emerging Management Practices on Transforming Business in ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) and 2nd Doctoral Colloquium-Ganpat University, Gujarat, India.
- Nagendrakumar N., Eshani UAK., Alwis KNN., Kaushslya SBU., and Kuruppuarachchi DM. (2022). Impact of Sustainability Practices on Going Concern: Developed and Developing Countries Perspective. 14th International Conference on Emerging Management Practices on Transforming Business in ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) and 2nd Doctoral Colloquium-Ganpat University, Gujarat, India.
- S. Shanmugarajah et al., “WoKnack – A Professional Social Media Platform for Women Using Machine Learning Approach,” 2021 3rd International Conference on Advancements in Computing (ICAC), Colombo, Sri Lanka, 2021, pp. 91-96, doi: 10.1109/ICAC54203.2021.9671169.
- T. Arumaiththurai and B. Mayurathan, “The Effect of Deep Learning and Machine Learning Approaches for Brain Tumor Recognition,” 2021 10th International Conference on Information and Automation for Sustainability (ICIAfS), Negambo, Sri Lanka, 2021, pp. 185-190, doi: 10.1109/ICIAfS52090.2021.9605909.
- Nagendrakumar N., Lokeshwara A.A., Gunawardana S.A.D.C.K., Kodikara U.P., Rajapaksha R.W.N.H., Rathnayake K.R.M.C.S. Modelling and forecasting tourist arrivals in Sri Lanka. 14th SBS Students’ Research Conference, 2021: Malabe, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Nagendrakumar, N., Madhavika, W.D.N., Nimeshika, D.K.M.S., Bulathsinhala, D.S.M., Kalhara, H.L.R. and Rodney, R An Empirical Study on Isomorphism and Stagnation Of Employment Opportunities For Female Labour Force In Sri Lanka. Interdisciplinary Conference of Management Researchers (ICMR 2021), University of Sabaragamuwa , Sri Lanka.
- Nagendrakumar N., Kumarapperuma C., Malinga J A C., Gayanthika S D K., Perera Y A M D., Amanda H N. (2021). Firm Integrated Performance: Accounting and Finance, Marketing, Logistics, and Supply Chain Performance. 4th International Conference on Business Research 2021 (ICBR 2021), University of Moratuwa.
- Nagendrakumar N., Malsinghe M.T.D., Gunathilaka M.H.A., Bandara I.P.C.D., Wijerathne., A.I. and Madhavika, W.D.N., (2021). A Study on Operational Excellence: Sustainable Supply Chains of Manufacturing Industries during Covid-19 Pandemic, in Peradeniya University International Research Sessions-2021 (iPURSE-2021), 12th of November 2021, University of Peradeniya Sri Lanka.
- Nagendrakumar N., Madhavika W.D.N., Nimeshika, Bulathsinhala D.K.M.S., Kalhara D.S.M., Rodney H.L.R., (2021). A Conceptual Study on Isomorphism and Stagnation of Employment Opportunities for Female Labour Force in Sri Lanka, in International Conference on Business and Information – 2021 (ICBI-2021), 11th of November 2021, University of Kelaniya Sri Lanka.
- Nagendrakumar N., Lokeshwara, A, A., Gunawardana S.A.D.C.K., Kodikara U.P., Rajapaksha R.W.N.H., Rathnayake K.R.M.C.S. (2021). An influx of tourist arrivals between Easter attack and covid-19 in Sri Lanka. Vavuniya University International Research Conference, October.
- Nagendrakumar N., Kumarapperuma C., Malinga J A C., Gayanthika S D K., Perera Y A M D., Amanda H N. (2021). Corporate governance and firm integrated performance: concept paper. BLM2-ICAM4 An International Joint E -Conference. Taylor’s University and University of Kelaniya.
- Nagendrakumar, N., Madhavika, W.D.N., Kalpani, L.D.Y., Wickramaarachchi, W.A.Y., Rashmi, Nisansala S.W.M., and Madumi, B.G.V.M. (2021). Role of Innovation in Sri Lankan Banking Sector during COVID-19. 4th Finance Seminar on “Unlocking Financial Growth after Lockdown: Issues and Challenges Post Pandemic Covid- 19”, Prestige Institute of Management, Gwalior (UGC NAAC accredited ‘A’ Grade institute).
- Nagendrakumar, N., Madhawika, W.D.N., Malsinghe, M.T.D., Gunathilaka, M.H.A., Dinesh Bandara, I.P.C., Wijerathne, A.I. (2021). Sustainable Supply Chains of Sri Lankan Manufacturing Organizations: A Study On Operational Excellence Models During The Covid-19 Pandemic. 23rd Kuala Lumpur International Business, Economics & Law Conference 2021 (KLiBEL23). Online, Kaular Lampur.
- Nagendrakumar, N., Madhawika, W.D.N., Nadishan, G.S.W.Y., Zakia, A., Kulathunga, K., Perera, A., Perera, C. (2020). An Empirical Study of Students’ Satisfaction with Professional Accounting Education Institutions in Sri Lanka. 3rd National Research Symposium on Management 2019/2020-“Wisdom for Sustainability”, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka.
- Nagendrakumar, N., Nadishana1, G.S.W.Y., Ameen, Z., Kulatunga, K.A., Perera, A., Perera, C., Madhavika, W.D.N. (2020). An Empirical Study of Students’ Satisfaction with Professional Accounting Education Programs, Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the International Research Conference of Uva Wellassa University.
- Nagendrakumar, N., Madhavika, W.D.N., Weerawardhana, K.W.P.T.R., Vishwadeepa, D.D.P., Anushani, D.M.S., Alahakoon, A.M.Y.U. (2020). Sustainability of Hotels: Evidence from Tourism Industry in Sri Lanka. International Conference on Sustainability, Transformation, Development in Business and Management, Madurai, India.
- R.S. Najeeb, J. Uthayan, R.P. Lojini, G. Vishaliney, Jesuthasan Alosius, Anjalie Gamage “Gamified Smart Mirror to Leverage Autistic Education – Aliza”, 2020 2nd International Conference on Advancements in Computing (ICAC), PP. 428-433, doi: 10.1109/ICAC51239.2020.9357065.
- Nagendrakumar, N., De Silva, L.M.H., Weerasinghe, D.R.M., Pathirana, G.P.T.D., Rajapakse, C.M., Perera, R.A.K.R., Kaneshwaran, S. (2019). Corporate Social Responsibility and Financial Performance in Tourism Industry, Sri Lanka. CMA National Management Accounting Conference 2019, Taj Samudra, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Nagendrakumar, N. (2019). Revisiting Institutional Theory: Accrual Accounting Reform in Public Sector. Annual Conference-Association of Public Finance Accountants of Sri Lanka public sector wing of Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka, Colombo.
- Nagendrakumar, N., Fonseka, M., Dissanayake, D. (2019). Do Institutional Pressures Matter in Development? A case of Introduction of Accrual Accounting Practices to the Public Sector in Sri Lanka. The 10th International Research Conference on Management and Finance, Faculty of Management and Finance, University of Colombo, (November), 30-39, 2015.
- Nagendrakumar, N., Pratheepa, T. (2008). Livelihood development in Trincomalee district. Paper presented at Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences in Sri Lanka, National Centre for Advance Studies.
- Nagendrakumar, N. (2008). Evaluation of Relief, Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Programs Provided by INGOs and NGOs to Tsunami Victims, Trincomalee District. International Symposium at South Eastern University, Sri Lanka.
- Nagendrakumar, N., Pratheepa, T. (2007). Employee productivity-Special Reference to NGOs In Trincomalee District (2007). Annual Research Session, Faculty of Communication and Business Studies, Trincomalee Campus of Eastern University, Sri Lanka, 2007 publications.
- Nagendrakumar, N., Subathini, S. (2007). Quality Measurement of External Students – Special Reference to Trincomalee Campus. Annual Research Session, Faculty of Communication and Business Studies, Trincomalee Campus of Eastern University, Sri Lanka
Abstract/Extended Abstract Publications
- J.H.R.M. Tissera, W.L.P.D.M.P. Wijwthunga, S.S.R. Rajapaksha and D.M.K.D. Manaruwan, N. Nagendrakumar, J.K.P.S.K. Jayasinghe, (2023) “The Study on the Influence of Service Quality Towards Patient Satisfaction of Private Hospitals in the Western Province of Sri Lanka”, 9th Peradeniya International Economics Research Symposium (PIERS – 2023), 1st of September 2023, Department of Economics and Statistics, University of Peradeniya.
- Dinusha C., Chamishka T., Rashmi L., Gowthaman U., Nagendrakumar N, Navodika K. (2023). Green Supply Chain Practices on Organizational Performance of the Hotel Industry in Sri Lanka: A Systematic Literature Review. IEEE. 10.1109/SCSE59836.2023.10215037
- Nagendrakumar N., and Wijesinghe W.A.N.P. (2022). Antecedents of Adopting Just Walk Out Groceries Concept to Supermarkets in Sri Lanka 14th International Conference on Emerging Management Practices on Transforming Business in ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) and 2nd Doctoral Colloquium-Ganpat University, Gujarat, India.
- Nagendrakumar, N., De Silva, L.M.H., Weerasinghe, D.R.M., Pathirana, G.P.T.D., Rajapakse, C.M., Perera, R.A.K.R., Kaneshwaran, S. (2019). Exploration of Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure Pattern of Hotel Industry: Evidence from Sri Lanka, Rajarata International Research Conference, Mihintale.
- Nagendrakumar, N., De Silva, L.M.H., Weerasinghe, D.R.M., Pathirana, G.P.T.D., Rajapakse, C.M., Perera, R.A.K.R., Kaneshwaran, S. (2019). Corporate Social Responsibility and Financial Performance in Tourism Industry, Sri Lanka. Peradeniya International Economic Research Symposium, Peradeniya.
- Nagendrakumar, N., De Silva, L.M.H., Weerasinghe, D.R.M., Pathirana, G.P.T.D., Rajapakse, C.M., Perera, R.A.K.R., Kaneshwaran, S. (2019). Disclosure of Corporate Social Responsibility in Tourism Industry, Sri Lanka. “Innovative Excellence for tomorrow” -Vavuniya Campus International Research Symposium-2019 (Vcirs-2019), Jaffna University.
- Nagendrakumar, N. (2017). Dictating factor: Public Sector Accounting and Financial Reporting Reforms in Sri Lanka. Annual Research Symposium on Social Sciences. NCAS, Colombo.<?li>
- Nagendrakumar, N. (2014). Revisiting New Public Financial Management: Financial Accounting and Financial Reporting Perspectives of Provincial Councils, Sri Lanka. 1St Students Research Day, Postgraduate Institute of Management, University of Sri Jayewardenepura.
- Velnampy, T. and Nimalathasan,B.(2007). Balance Score Card and Organizational Performance: A Comparative study of State and Private sector banks in North and Eastern Provinces of Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the International Research Conference on Knowledge for Growth and Development, Faculty of Management and Finance, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka,34.
- Velnampy,T.,& Nimalathasan, B.(2008). A Relationship between Firm Size and Profitability: A Comparative Study of Bank of Ceylon and Commercial Bank of Ceylon Ltd. Proceedings of the 15th Annual Sessions of the Jaffna Science Association (JSA), Jaffna, Sri Lanka.15(1),74.
- Nimalathasan,B.,&Nanthagpoan,Y.(2008).EnvironmentalFriendlyEntrepreneurial Marketing Strategy as Sustainable Competitive Advantage: A New Paradigm in Marketing. Proceedings of the Vavuniya Campus Annual Research Session (VCARS) of Vavuniya Campus of the University of Jaffna. Sri Lanka,36.
- Nimalathasan, B., Taher, M.A., & Nanthagopan, Y. (2008). Critical Success Factors of Readymade Manufacturing Garments Entrepreneurs in Bangladesh. Proceedings of the Vavuniya Campus Annual Research Session (VCARS) of Vavuniya Campus of the University of Jaffna. Sri Lanka,32.
- Nimalathasan, B.(2009) Corporate Social Responsibility Practices: Some Evidence from Bangladesh. Proceedings of ANVESH Nirma Conference for Doctoral Students conducted by Institute of Management, Nirma University of Science and Technology, Ahmadabad, India,14.
- Nimalathasan, B., & Ather, S.M.(2010). Bond Market Development: A Factor Analytical Approach. Proceedings of the Vavuniya Campus Annual Research Session (VCARS) of the Vavuniya Campus of the University of Jaffna. Sri Lanka,5.
- Rathika,S., & Nimalathasan,B.(2012). Cash Conversion Cycle (CCC) and Profitability: A Case Study of Selected Listed Manufacturing Companies in Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the Abstract Jaffna University International Conference (JUICE-2012),50.
- Rathirani,Y. & Nimalathasan,B.(2012). Learner Support Services and Performance of the Students: A Case Study on Bachelor of Business Management (Online) Degree Programme, University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka,52.
- Nimalathasan,B.(2015). Stock Market Response to Stock Split And Political Information In Sri Lankan Stock Market: An Event Study Application, 06th International Conference on Banking, Finance, Business and Technology for Sustaining Economic Development in Global Market, Sairam Institute of Management Studies, Sairam Engineering College, October, 09th and 10th , 2015.
- Elangkumaran, P., & Nimalathasan, B. (2016).The Impact of Working Capital Management on Corporate Profitability: Evidence from Listed Manufacturing Company of the Colombo Stock Exchange in Sri Lanka. International Conference in Accounting Researchers and Educators (ICARE).
- Muraleetharan,P., Velnampy,T & Nimalathasan,B (2017). Impact of CSR on Profitability: A study Manufacturing Companies in Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the 04th International Conference on Contemporary Management, Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce, University of Jaffna, 44-53.
- Nimalathasan,B., & Anojan, V.(2018). Relationship among Tax Revenue, Gross Domestic Production and Budget Deficit in Developing Country: A Case in Sri Lanka. Proceedings of Abstract, Third International Conference on Advances in Industrial Engineering Applications, ICAIEA 2018, January 3-5, Anna University, India.
- Anojan,V. & Nimalathasan,B. (2019). Impact of Internal Audit Practices on Satisfaction of Administrators: A Comparative Study between University of Peradeniya and University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka. Proceedings of 02nd International Symposium on Social Sciences and Humanities, National Centre for Advanced Studies, 83.
- Nimalathasan,B.(2020). Link between Oil Price Fluctuation and Sector Performance in Sri Lanka. 09th International Conference on Education, Advance Management and Technology for Sustainable Development. Sairam Institute of Management Studies, Sairam Engineering College 25th and 26th February, 2020.
- Nimalathasan,B. & Ramesh,S. (2021). Chief Executive Officer’s Turnover Announcements and Stock Return: A Case of Sri Lankan Stock Market. Abstract Proceedings of International Symposium of Rajarata University, 91.
Poster Presentations
Nagendrakumar, N., De Silva, L.M.H., Weerasinghe, D.R.M., Pathirana, G.P.T.D., Rajapakse, C.M., Perera, R.A.K.R., Kaneshwaran, S. (2019)Trend in CSRD in Tourism Industry: Emergence of a New Dimension. 16th International conference on Business Management, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Nugegoda.
Outstanding Paper Award
Nagendrakumar, N., Madhavika, W.D.N., Nimeshika, D.K.M.S., Bulathsinhala, D.S.M., Kalhara, H.L.R. and Rodney, R. An Empirical Study on Isomorphism and Stagnation Of Employment Opportunities For Female Labour Force In Sri Lanka. Interdisciplinary Conference of Management Researchers (ICMR 2021), University of Sabaragamuwa , Sri Lanka.
Best Paper Award
- Nagendrakumar N., Lokeshwara A.A., Gunawardana S.A.D.C.K., Kodikara U.P., Rajapaksha R.W.N.H., Rathnayake K.R.M.C.S. Modelling and forecasting tourist arrivals in Sri Lanka [Paper presentation]. 14th SBS STUDENTS’ RESEARCH CONFERENCE, 2021: Malabe, Colombo, Sri Lanka
- Best researcher paper award for Corporate Transparency and Firm Value: Evidence from Sri Lanka at the 06th International Conference for Accounting Researchers and Educators, Organized by the Department of Accountancy, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka on 04th December, 2020
- Best researcher paper award for Perception of Staff on Internal Audit: Case Study in Northern Provincial Council of Sri Lanka. at the 09th International Conference on Education, Advance Management and Technology for Sustainable Development by the Sri Sai Ram Institute of Management Studies, SriSai Ram Engineering College, India on 25th and 26th February, 2020.
- Most outstanding Young Researcher in Management and Law of Committee of ViceChancellors and Directors (CVCD)-2014.
- Governing Council of Scientific Management and Advanced Research Trust (SMART) in India has decided to confer SMART Journal Young Management Scientist Award to me in 2014 in recognition of my exceptional calibre and outstanding performance.
- Best Academic Researcher for the year 2013 conferred by from Association of Scientist, Developers and Faculties (ASDF) headed at Pondicherry in the Union Territory of Puducherry, India.
- Best paper award for Cash flow ratios for evaluating financial performance: A Case study of listed manufacturing company in Sri Lanka from International Conference on Economics, Business, Finance, Human Resource & Technology for Sustainable Development (IEBFHT-2013) organized by Sri Sai Ram Institute of Management Studies, India, entitled held on 20th & 21st of December, 2013.
- Best Paper award for Political Incidents of Sri Lanka & their impact on share prices: A Study of Listed Companies in CSE between 2005-2008 from International Conference on Competency Building Strategies in Business and Technology for Sustainable Development organized by organized by Sri Sai Ram Institute of Management Studies, India held on September, 22nd and 23rd of September, 2011.
- Best Paper award for Customer Satisfaction & Customer Loyalty: A Case Study of Retail Super Markets in United Kingdom from International Conference on Competency Building Strategies in Business and Technology for Sustainable Development organized by organized by Sri Sai Ram Institute of Management Studies, India held on September, 22nd and 23rd of September, 2011.
- Best country coordinator award from International Conference on Leading beyond the Horizon: Engaging Future organized by Department of Business Administration, Annamalai University, India held on 28th -30th July, 2011.
- Gold Medal Award for the best paper titled Quality of Work Life and Job Satisfaction: A Study of Academic Professionals of Private Universities in Bangladesh presented at Annual Research Conference (ARC), University of Jaffna held on 15th November, 2010.
- SAARC Scholarship to follow the Ph.D programme at Department of Management Studies, University of Chittagong, Bangladesh.
Shortlisted for Best Paper Award
Nagendrakumar, N., Madhavika, W.D.N., Nimeshika, D.K.M.S., Bulathsinhala, D.S.M., Kalhara, H.L.R. and Rodney, R. (November 11- 2021). A Conceptual Study on Isomorphism and Stagnation of Employment Opportunities for Female Labour Force in Sri Lanka. International Conference on Business and Information (ICBI), University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka.
Best Presentation Bronze Award
Nagendrakumar N., Kumarapperuma C., Malinga J A C., Gayanthika S D K., Perera Y A M D., Amanda H N. (2021). Corporate governance and firm integrated performance: concept paper. BLM2-ICAM4 An International Joint E -Conference.Taylor’s University and University of Keleniya.
Best Paper Award
Nagendrakumar, N., Madhawika, W.D.N., Malsinghe, M.T.D., Gunathilaka, M.H.A., Dinesh Bandara, I.P.C., Wijerathne, A.I. (2021). Sustainable Supply Chains of Sri Lankan Manufacturing Organizations: A Study on Operational Excellence Models During The Covid-19 Pandemic. 23rd Kuala Lumpur International Business, Economics & Law Conference 2021 (KLiBEL23). Online, Kaular Lampur.
Most popular poster
Nagendrakumar, N., De Silva, L.M.H., Weerasinghe, D.R.M., Pathirana, G.P.T.D., Rajapakse, C.M., Perera, R.A.K.R., Kaneshwaran, S. (2019)Trend in CSRD in Tourism Industry: Emergence of a New Dimension. 16th International conference on Business Management, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Nugegoda.
Full Paper published
- Taher, M.A., & Nimalathasan, B.(2009). Inventory Management: A Case Study of Listed Chemical and Pharmaceutical Companies in Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Impact of Economic Crisis in Global Business Scenario, Sri Sai Ram Institute of Management Studies,14-20.
- Balaputhiran,S.,& Nimalathasan, B. (2011). Working Capital Management Performance (WCM): A Comparative Study between Listed Manufacturing and Chemical & Pharmaceuticals Companies in Colombo Stock Exchange Ltd, Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the International Conference on Leading beyond the Horizon: Engaging Future, Annamalai University, Chiddamparam, India.150-155.
- Ramesh, S., & Nimalathasan, B. (2011). Capital Budgeting Practices: A Study of Listed Manufacturing Companies in Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the International Conference on Leading beyond the Horizon: Engaging Future on 28th & 30th of July, 2011 conducted by Department of Business Administration, Annamalai University, Chiddamparam, India,6- 10.
- Arulvel,K.K.,Balaputhiran,S., Ramesh,S., &Nimalathasan,B.(2011). Market Efficiency or Not. Proceedings of the International Conference on Leading beyond the Horizon: Engaging Future on 28th & 30th of July, 2011 conducted by Department of Business Administration, Annamalai University, Chiddamparam, India,35-39.
- Ramesh,S & Nimalathasan, B.(2011). Bonus Issues Announcement and Its Impact on Share Price in Colombo Stock Exchange, Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the International Conference on Business Management (ICBM) University of Sri Jayewardenepura,33-38.
- Ramesh,S & Nimalathasan, B.(2011). Political Incidents of Sri Lanka and Their impact on the Share Prices: A Study of Listed Companies in Colombo Stock Exchange (CSE) between the Periods of 2005-2008. Proceedings of the International Conference on Leading beyond the Horizon: Engaging Future, Sri Sai Ram Institute of Management Studies, Tamparam, India,528-541.
- Pushpanathan,A., Ramesh,S& Nimalathasan,B (2012). The Different Leadership Styles and their impact On Profitability: A Case Study of Women Entrepreneurs in Northern District. A Proceedings of the International Research Conference of Management and Finance, University of Colombo,80-89.
- Achchuthan,S. & Nimalathasan,B.(2012). Relationship between Entrepreneurial Motivation and Entrepreneurial Intention: A Case Study of Management Undergraduates of the University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka. A Proceeding 09th International Conference on Business Management,University of Sri Jeyawardenapura, 42-50.
- Pushpanathan, A., Nimalathasan, B. & Ramesh,S.(2012). A Study of Organizational Performance of Women Entrepreneurs in Northern District. A Proceeding of 09th International Conference on Business Management, University of Sri Jeyawardenapura, 259-270.
- Achchuthan,S. & Nimalathasan,B.(2012). Entrepreneurial Motivation and Self Employment Intention: A Case Study of Management Undergraduates of the University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka. A Proceeding of the International Conference on Business and Information University of Kelaniya, 77-90.
- Anojan,V. & Nimalathasan,B.(2014). A Comparative Study of Financial Performance of State and Private Sector Commercial Banks in Sri Lanka: An Application of CAMEL Rating System. Proceedings of the International Conference on Contemporary Management (ICCM), University of Jaffa, 23-32.
- Muraleetharan,P., Velnampy,T & Nimalathasan,B (2017). Impact of CSR on Profitability: A study Manufacturing Companies in Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the 04th International Conference on Contemporary Management, 44-53.
- Nimalathasan,B(2018). Management of Change: Survival, Growth and Sustainability of the Organizations. International Conference on Commerce, Economics and ManagementAn Interdisciplinary Perspective, Jointly organized by Department of Commerce, Managayarkarasi College of Arts and Science for Women and Bodhi International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Science (UGC Approved Journal, India).
- Anojan,V. & Nimalathasan,B. (2019). Impact of Internal Audit Practices on Satisfaction of Administrators: A Comparative Study between University of Peradeniya and University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka. Proceedings of 02nd International Symposium on Social Sciences and Humanities, National Centre for Advanced Studies, 83.
- Niruja,R & Nimalathasan,B. (2020). Corporate Transparency and Firm Value: Evidence from Sri Lanka. Proceedings of 06th International Conference for Accounting Researchers and Educators, Department of Accounting, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, 110-124.
Publication of Books:
- Entrepreneurship: Perspectives and Strategies, Devi Publication, Karaveddy Sri Lanka, ISBN: 978-95553086-0-1.
- Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship. Devi Publication, Karaveddy Sri Lanka, ISBN: 978-3-84659820-7.
- National Economy Management.AB Creators & Publishers. ISBN: 978-955-4568-00-6.
- Value Added Accounting and Performance Evaluations.
- Ratio Analysis.
- Investment Management.
- Time Management
Book Chapters
- Vilvarajah A & Tharmarajah G “� Theoretical and numerical interpretation of real strength of in-plane restrained slabs “ Advances in Concrete Technology, Structural Engineering and Design, Kandy, 2019, University of Peradeniya, pp.49-61,
- Tharmarajah G; Taylor S; Cleland D., and Robinson D, “Behaviour of FRP reinforced restrained slabs,” Editors: Claire J. Whysall, Sue M. Halliwell, J. Toby Mottram, Advanced Composites in Construction 2011, Chesterfield, 2011, NetComposites, pp. 226–239.
- Tharmarajah G., Taylor S.E., Robinson D., Cleland D.J., “Arching Action in Laterally Restrained GFRP Reinforced Slabs,” Ye L., Feng P., Yue Q. (eds), Advances in FRP Composites in Civil Engineering, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2011, Springer.
- G. Tharmarajah; Su Taylor; D.J. Cleland; Des Robinson, “FRP reinforced laterally restrained slabs for sustainable structures (Invited article),” Concrete Today, Dublin, Ireland, 2010, Irish Concrete Federation,
Conference Presentation
Gobithas Tharmarajah, “Compressive membrane action in FRP reinforced slabs,” Presentation at Institution of Structural Engineers, United Kingdom, 2008.
- Nagendrakumar, N., Alwis, K.N.N., Eshani, U.A.K., Kaushalya, S.B.U. (2023). Prediction of corporate financial distress in the travel and tourism industry. Corporate Ownership and Control. (ABDC-B Rank).
- Nagendrakumar, N., Alwis, K.N.N., Eshani, U.A.K., Kaushalya, S.B.U. (2023). Prediction of corporate financial distress in the travel and tourism industry. Corporate Ownership and Control. (ABDC-B Rank).
- Nagendrakumar, N., Lokeshwara, A., Jayasuriya, K. R. G. T., Ravisara, H. G. A. M.., Weerawickrama, M. J.. and Madushan, M. G. D. (2023) “Socio-Economic Factors and Tourism – Impact Analysis using Indicator Approach”, ASEAN Journal on Hospitality and Tourism, 21(1), pp. 1-16. doi: 10.5614/ajht.2023.21.1.01.
- Nagendrakumar, N., Alwis, K.N.N., Eshani, U.A.K., Kaushalya, S.B.U. (2022). The Impact of Sustainability Practices on the Going Concern of the Travel and Tourism Industry: Evidence from Developed and Developing Countries. Sustainability. 10.3390/su142417046. (H-index 109)
- Nagalingam, N., & Malinga, C. (2022). Corporate governance and firm integrated performance: Issues, challenges, and opportunities faced by nation in crisis. Corporate Board: Role, Duties and Composition, 18(2), 27–34. (H-index 9).
- Nagendrakumar N, Naduni M, and Umashangar Y. (2022). Human Value Inclusion in Financial Statements: Boost or Waste. Corporate Ownership and Control, 20(1), 87-94. 10.22495/cocv20i1art8 (H-index 21)
- Nagendrakumar N and Ridmi R.R.M.T.R.T (2022). Impact of Service Quality on Tourist Satisfaction: A Case of Sri Lankan Hotels. SLIIT Business Review, 2(1),29-46.
- Nagendrakumar N, Naduni Madhavika, Yuresh Nadishan, Zakiya Ameen, Kasuni Kulatunga, Anuththara Perera and Chamika Perera (2022). Revisiting Navarro et al.: A Double Tilt View-Students’ Satisfaction with Professional Accounting Education. International Journal of Auditing and Accounting Studies. 4(2), 183-209.
- Nagalingam, N., De Silva, L. M. H., Weerasinghe, R. M., Pathirana, T. D., Rajapaksha, C. M., Perera, K. R., and Kaneshwaren, S. (2022). Corporate social responsibility and financial performance: A study of the tourism industry in Sri Lanka. Corporate Ownership & Control, 19(4), 103–110 (B rank). (H-index 21)
- Yapabandara, A., and Nagendrakumar, N. (2022). Did the effects of the pandemic affect online/digital banking adoption in Sri Lanka? Int. J. Electronic Banking, 3(3),238-262.
- Nagendrakumar N., Kumarapperuma C., Malinga J A C., Gayanthika S D K., Perera Y A M D., Amanda H N. (2022). Corporate governance and firm integrated performance: a conceptual framework. Corporate Governance and Sustainability Review, 6(2), 8-7.
- Nagendrakumar N., Lokeswara A.A., Gunawardena S.A.D.C.K., Kodikara U.P., Rajapaksha R.W.N.H., and Ratnayake K.R.M.C.S. (2022). Modeling and forecasting Tourist Arrivals in Sri Lanka. SLIIT Business Review 1(2), 95-120.
- Nagendrakumar N., Malsinghe M.T.D., Gunathilaka M.H.A., Bandara I.P.C.D., Wijerathne., A.I. and Madhavika, W.D.N., (2022). Sustainable supply chains of Sri Lankan manufacturing organizations: A study on operational excellence models during the covid-19 pandemic. Operations and Supply Chain Management, 15(2),228-239.
- Sharmilan Sureshwaran, Kithusshand Raveendran, Nilakshana Rajeswaran, Sriram Rajeswaran ” “Digital Learning For Kids” “, International Journal of Advanced Research and Publications, Volume 5, Issue 11, Nov 2022 Edition, Page no. 67-76.
- Kugashini.G and Abirami.R., “Self-esteem of the faculty of Arts 3rd year students : research based on University of Jaffna” ,2nd Undergraduate Research Symposium in Arts( URSA-2022), Jaffna, Sri Lanka,2022,pp.51, doi: ISSN2820-2392.
- N. Nagendrakumar, W.D.N. Madhavika, L.D.Y. Kalpani, W.A.Y.Pushpamali, S.W.M.Rashmi Nisansala, G.V.M. Madumi Bashini. (2021). The nexus between innovations and banking performance – during covid-19 pandemic. Design Engineering (Toronto), 06, 5427- 5444.
- Nagendrakumar, N., Madhavika W.D.N., Rathnayake, R.M.T., Colombathanthri, P.S.H., Jayaweera, J.H.M.P.S.B., and Buddhika, M.S. (2021). Resource Optimization in Paddy Cultivation, for Developing Countries; A Sector Synergetic Approach. Alinteri Journal of Agri Science, 36(2): 122-131. DOI: 10.47059/alinteri/V36I2/AJAS21124
- Nagendrakumar, N., Madhavika W.D.N., Abusaly, H., Fernando, D. (2021). Testing the Validity of Purchasing Power Parity: A Comparison of Sri Lanka and Pakistan. The Empirical Economics Letters, 20 (1). DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.3886134
- Nagendrakumar, N., Lokeshwara, A.A., Jayasuriya, K.R.G.T., Ravisara, H.G.A.M., Weerawickrama, M.J., Madushan, M.G.D. (2021). Conceptual Study on Socio-Economic Impact of the Decline in Firm Performances of Hotels in Sri Lanka. International Journal of Social Science Research, 9(1), 39-53. doi:10.5296/ijssr.v9i1.17719. DOI: 10.5296/ijssr.v9i1.17719
- Nagendrakumar, N., Madhawika, W.D.N., Nadishan, G.S.W.Y., Zakia, A., Kulathunga, K., Perera, A., Perera, C. (2020). An Empirical Study of Students’ Satisfaction with Professional Accounting Education Programs. Available at SSRN: or
- Nagendrakumar, N. (2020). Extending the Institutional Theory: Public Sector Accounting and Financial Reporting Perspectives, Sri Lanka. International Journal on Governmental Financial Management – 20 (1), 2-19.
- Nagendrakumar, N., Madhavika, W.D.N., Weerawardhana, K.W.P.T.R., Vishwadeepa, D.D.P., Anushani, D.M.S., Alahakoon, A.M.Y.U. (2020). Sustainability of Hotels: Evidence from Tourism Industry in Sri Lanka. TEST Engineering and Management, 83, 15559-15561.
- Nagendrakumar, N. (2019). Human Value Inclusion in Financial Statements: Concern for Standard Setters. International Journal of Auditing and Accounting Studies, 1(1), 101-111.
- R.Sinthujan et al. (2018) ‘Biometric based digital signature scheme for land registry verification’, International Journal of Research Publications, 11(1). Available at:
- Nagendrakumar, N. (2018). Country Specific Factors: Public Sector Accounting and Financial Reporting Reforms in Sri Lanka. International Journal on Governmental Financial Management, 18(2), 12-27.
- Nagendrakumar, N. (2018). Local Government Accounting: Hodgepodge or Harmony. International Journal on Governmental Financial Management, 18(1), 72-76.
- Rathnaweera P B, Walgama RC, Jayasundera KU, Herath SD, Abira S, Williams De, Andersen RJ, De Silva ED. (2018) “Antibacterial activities of endophytic fungi isolated from six Sri Lankan plants of the family Cyperaceae” Bangaladesh Journal of Pharmacology (BJP)13: 264-272
- Nagendrakumar, N. (2017). Public Sector Accounting and Financial Reporting Reforms: Public Entities Perspectives, Sri Lanka. International Journal on Governmental Financial Management, 17(1), 17-34.
- Nagendrakumar, N. (2017). Evolution of Public Sector Accounting in Sri Lanka. Vidyawarta-International Multi-Lingual Research Journal,17(6), 76-88.
- Abira S, Gunaratne RD, Paranagama PA, De Silva KRD (23-25th November 2017) “Method of incorporation of natural antioxidant from cinnamon leaf oil as an antioxidant into surgical and examination gloves” International symposium on Traditional and Complementary Medicine (TradmedInternational) Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Abira S, De Silva KRD, Thiruchenduran S, Gunaratne RD, Paranagama PA (23-25 November 2017) “Assessment of the applicability of Supercritical Fluid extraction method in preparing Cinnamomum zeylanicum bark oleoresins extracts based on antioxidant assays” International symposium on Traditional and Complementary Medicine (Tradmed International) Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Abira S, Pamoda B R, Dilip De Silva E (19th-20th January 2017) “Antibacterial Activity of Endophytic Fungi from Fimbristylis miliacea” International Research Symposium, Uva Wellassa University (IRSUWU) Badulla, Sri Lanka.
- Herath S D, Abira S, Rathnaweera P B, Nishantha K M D W P, De Silva E D (29 September 2017) “Feeding Deterrence and Larvicidal of Endophytic Fungi Isolated from Fimbristylis miliacea” Institute of Biology 37th Annual Sessions, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Nagendrakumar, N. (2015). Applicability of Sri Lanka Public Sector Accounting Standards: Trincomalee Urban Council, Sri Lanka. South Eastern University – Journal of Management,12(2), 109-120. DOI:10.4038/jm.v12i2.7580.
- Nagendrakumar, N. (2015). The Development of Public Sector Accounting and Financial Reporting in Sri Lanka. International Journal of Governmental Financial Management, 15(2),70-88.
- Nagendrakumar, N. (2015). Views of Reality and Research in Behavioral Science. Vidyawarta: Multi-Lingual International Journal, 10(6), 9-14.
- Nagendrakumar, N. (2014). Categories and Research. Vidyawarta: Multi Lingual International Journal, 8(1), 120-126.
- Nagendrakumar, N., Kirushanthi, K. (2014). The Study on Critical Success Factors of Licensed Commercial Banks Eastern Province, Sri Lanka. Vidyawarta: Multi-Lingual International Journal, 8(2), 111-119.
- Nagendrakumar, N., Jayasundara, N.S. (2014). Students’ Satisfaction with Post Graduate Degree Programmes offered by different Higher Education Institutions in Sri Lanka. International Journal of Social Sciences and Entrepreneurship, 1(10), 1-8.
- Nagendrakumar, N. (2014). The effectiveness of Financial Accounting and Reporting Practices introduced to Eastern Provincial Council, Sri Lanka. ADRRI JOURNAL, 4(4) (2), 8-17.
- Nagendrakumar, N. (2014). Accounting Technology for Governance: Financial Accounting and Reporting Perspectives of Provincial Councils, Sri Lanka. Vidyawarta, Interdisciplinary Multilingual International Journal, 5(1),141-152.
- Nagendrakumar, N., Ramees, M.R. (2008). An Analysis of Financial performance, financial position and creditworthiness about Commercial Bank Limited and Sampath Bank Limited, Harbour-Annual Journal, Faculty of Communication and Business Studies, Trincomalee Campus of Eastern University, Sri Lanka, Issue,02, 58-70.
- Nagendrakumar, N. (2008). A survey on operations of Theesan’s (Pvt) Ltd. The Habour, Annual Journal, Faculty of Communication and Business Studies, Trincomalee Campus of Eastern University of Sri Lanka, Issue,02, 1-38.
- Nagendrakumar, N. (2006). The Time gap of financial information communication at Divisional Secretariats in Trincomalee district, Mentor, The Journal of Business Studies, 1 (Aug), 21-38.
- Nagendrakumar, N. (2001). Industrial development in Sri Lanka during last two decades – Mentor, Journal of Faculty of Commerce & Management, Eastern University, 1(2), 13-21.
Research Paper Presentations
- Piumi Gamage, Kalpani Sendanayake, Nishani Thakshila, Sanduni Mirihagalla, Nagalingam Nagendrakumar &* Anuja. A. Lokeshwara (2023), Accounting Profession – Navigating the Future Landscape. 18th Annual International Research Conference on Management and Finance, Faculty of Management and Finance, University of Colombo, 17th November, 2023.
- Nagendrakumar N and Kaushalya Perera D.D. (2022). An Investigation on Factors Affecting the Adoption of Technological Advancements in Garment Industry of Sri Lanka. 14th International Conference on Emerging Management Practices on Transforming Business in ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) and 2nd Doctoral Colloquium-Ganpat University, Gujarat, India.
- Nagendrakumar N., Cooray B.V.D., and Prathapasingha L.N.D.K. (2022). Impact of Personality on Consumer Impulse Buying Behavior: Special Reference to Fashion Retail Stores in Colombo District, Sri Lanka. 14th International Conference on Emerging Management Practices on Transforming Business in ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) and 2nd Doctoral Colloquium-Ganpat University, Gujarat, India.
- Nagendrakumar N. and Balasooriya T. (2022). Sustainability in Traditional Coir Processing in Sri Lanka. 14th International Conference on Emerging Management Practices on Transforming Business in ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) and 2nd Doctoral Colloquium-Ganpat University, Gujarat, India.
- Nagendrakumar N., Eshani UAK., Alwis KNN., Kaushslya SBU., and Kuruppuarachchi DM. (2022). Impact of Sustainability Practices on Going Concern: Developed and Developing Countries Perspective. 14th International Conference on Emerging Management Practices on Transforming Business in ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) and 2nd Doctoral Colloquium-Ganpat University, Gujarat, India.
- S. Shanmugarajah et al., “WoKnack – A Professional Social Media Platform for Women Using Machine Learning Approach,” 2021 3rd International Conference on Advancements in Computing (ICAC), Colombo, Sri Lanka, 2021, pp. 91-96, doi: 10.1109/ICAC54203.2021.9671169.
- T. Arumaiththurai and B. Mayurathan, “The Effect of Deep Learning and Machine Learning Approaches for Brain Tumor Recognition,” 2021 10th International Conference on Information and Automation for Sustainability (ICIAfS), Negambo, Sri Lanka, 2021, pp. 185-190, doi: 10.1109/ICIAfS52090.2021.9605909.
- Nagendrakumar N., Lokeshwara A.A., Gunawardana S.A.D.C.K., Kodikara U.P., Rajapaksha R.W.N.H., Rathnayake K.R.M.C.S. Modelling and forecasting tourist arrivals in Sri Lanka. 14th SBS Students’ Research Conference, 2021: Malabe, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Nagendrakumar, N., Madhavika, W.D.N., Nimeshika, D.K.M.S., Bulathsinhala, D.S.M., Kalhara, H.L.R. and Rodney, R An Empirical Study on Isomorphism and Stagnation Of Employment Opportunities For Female Labour Force In Sri Lanka. Interdisciplinary Conference of Management Researchers (ICMR 2021), University of Sabaragamuwa , Sri Lanka.
- Nagendrakumar N., Kumarapperuma C., Malinga J A C., Gayanthika S D K., Perera Y A M D., Amanda H N. (2021). Firm Integrated Performance: Accounting and Finance, Marketing, Logistics, and Supply Chain Performance. 4th International Conference on Business Research 2021 (ICBR 2021), University of Moratuwa.
- Nagendrakumar N., Malsinghe M.T.D., Gunathilaka M.H.A., Bandara I.P.C.D., Wijerathne., A.I. and Madhavika, W.D.N., (2021). A Study on Operational Excellence: Sustainable Supply Chains of Manufacturing Industries during Covid-19 Pandemic, in Peradeniya University International Research Sessions-2021 (iPURSE-2021), 12th of November 2021, University of Peradeniya Sri Lanka.
- Nagendrakumar N., Madhavika W.D.N., Nimeshika, Bulathsinhala D.K.M.S., Kalhara D.S.M., Rodney H.L.R., (2021). A Conceptual Study on Isomorphism and Stagnation of Employment Opportunities for Female Labour Force in Sri Lanka, in International Conference on Business and Information – 2021 (ICBI-2021), 11th of November 2021, University of Kelaniya Sri Lanka.
- Nagendrakumar N., Lokeshwara, A, A., Gunawardana S.A.D.C.K., Kodikara U.P., Rajapaksha R.W.N.H., Rathnayake K.R.M.C.S. (2021). An influx of tourist arrivals between Easter attack and covid-19 in Sri Lanka. Vavuniya University International Research Conference, October.
- Nagendrakumar N., Kumarapperuma C., Malinga J A C., Gayanthika S D K., Perera Y A M D., Amanda H N. (2021). Corporate governance and firm integrated performance: concept paper. BLM2-ICAM4 An International Joint E -Conference. Taylor’s University and University of Kelaniya.
- Nagendrakumar, N., Madhavika, W.D.N., Kalpani, L.D.Y., Wickramaarachchi, W.A.Y., Rashmi, Nisansala S.W.M., and Madumi, B.G.V.M. (2021). Role of Innovation in Sri Lankan Banking Sector during COVID-19. 4th Finance Seminar on “Unlocking Financial Growth after Lockdown: Issues and Challenges Post Pandemic Covid- 19”, Prestige Institute of Management, Gwalior (UGC NAAC accredited ‘A’ Grade institute).
- Nagendrakumar, N., Madhawika, W.D.N., Malsinghe, M.T.D., Gunathilaka, M.H.A., Dinesh Bandara, I.P.C., Wijerathne, A.I. (2021). Sustainable Supply Chains of Sri Lankan Manufacturing Organizations: A Study On Operational Excellence Models During The Covid-19 Pandemic. 23rd Kuala Lumpur International Business, Economics & Law Conference 2021 (KLiBEL23). Online, Kaular Lampur.
- Nagendrakumar, N., Madhawika, W.D.N., Nadishan, G.S.W.Y., Zakia, A., Kulathunga, K., Perera, A., Perera, C. (2020). An Empirical Study of Students’ Satisfaction with Professional Accounting Education Institutions in Sri Lanka. 3rd National Research Symposium on Management 2019/2020-“Wisdom for Sustainability”, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka.
- Nagendrakumar, N., Nadishana1, G.S.W.Y., Ameen, Z., Kulatunga, K.A., Perera, A., Perera, C., Madhavika, W.D.N. (2020). An Empirical Study of Students’ Satisfaction with Professional Accounting Education Programs, Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the International Research Conference of Uva Wellassa University.
- Nagendrakumar, N., Madhavika, W.D.N., Weerawardhana, K.W.P.T.R., Vishwadeepa, D.D.P., Anushani, D.M.S., Alahakoon, A.M.Y.U. (2020). Sustainability of Hotels: Evidence from Tourism Industry in Sri Lanka. International Conference on Sustainability, Transformation, Development in Business and Management, Madurai, India.
- R.S. Najeeb, J. Uthayan, R.P. Lojini, G. Vishaliney, Jesuthasan Alosius, Anjalie Gamage “Gamified Smart Mirror to Leverage Autistic Education – Aliza”, 2020 2nd International Conference on Advancements in Computing (ICAC), PP. 428-433, doi: 10.1109/ICAC51239.2020.9357065.
- Nagendrakumar, N., De Silva, L.M.H., Weerasinghe, D.R.M., Pathirana, G.P.T.D., Rajapakse, C.M., Perera, R.A.K.R., Kaneshwaran, S. (2019). Corporate Social Responsibility and Financial Performance in Tourism Industry, Sri Lanka. CMA National Management Accounting Conference 2019, Taj Samudra, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Nagendrakumar, N. (2019). Revisiting Institutional Theory: Accrual Accounting Reform in Public Sector. Annual Conference-Association of Public Finance Accountants of Sri Lanka public sector wing of Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka, Colombo.
- Nagendrakumar, N., Fonseka, M., Dissanayake, D. (2019). Do Institutional Pressures Matter in Development? A case of Introduction of Accrual Accounting Practices to the Public Sector in Sri Lanka. The 10th International Research Conference on Management and Finance, Faculty of Management and Finance, University of Colombo, (November), 30-39, 2015.
- Nagendrakumar, N., Pratheepa, T. (2008). Livelihood development in Trincomalee district. Paper presented at Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences in Sri Lanka, National Centre for Advance Studies.
- Nagendrakumar, N. (2008). Evaluation of Relief, Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Programs Provided by INGOs and NGOs to Tsunami Victims, Trincomalee District. International Symposium at South Eastern University, Sri Lanka.
- Nagendrakumar, N., Pratheepa, T. (2007). Employee productivity-Special Reference to NGOs In Trincomalee District (2007). Annual Research Session, Faculty of Communication and Business Studies, Trincomalee Campus of Eastern University, Sri Lanka, 2007 publications.
- Nagendrakumar, N., Subathini, S. (2007). Quality Measurement of External Students – Special Reference to Trincomalee Campus. Annual Research Session, Faculty of Communication and Business Studies, Trincomalee Campus of Eastern University, Sri Lanka
Abstract/Extended Abstract Publications
- J.H.R.M. Tissera, W.L.P.D.M.P. Wijwthunga, S.S.R. Rajapaksha and D.M.K.D. Manaruwan, N. Nagendrakumar, J.K.P.S.K. Jayasinghe, (2023) “The Study on the Influence of Service Quality Towards Patient Satisfaction of Private Hospitals in the Western Province of Sri Lanka”, 9th Peradeniya International Economics Research Symposium (PIERS – 2023), 1st of September 2023, Department of Economics and Statistics, University of Peradeniya.
- Dinusha C., Chamishka T., Rashmi L., Gowthaman U., Nagendrakumar N, Navodika K. (2023). Green Supply Chain Practices on Organizational Performance of the Hotel Industry in Sri Lanka: A Systematic Literature Review. IEEE. 10.1109/SCSE59836.2023.10215037
- Nagendrakumar N., and Wijesinghe W.A.N.P. (2022). Antecedents of Adopting Just Walk Out Groceries Concept to Supermarkets in Sri Lanka 14th International Conference on Emerging Management Practices on Transforming Business in ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) and 2nd Doctoral Colloquium-Ganpat University, Gujarat, India.
- Nagendrakumar, N., De Silva, L.M.H., Weerasinghe, D.R.M., Pathirana, G.P.T.D., Rajapakse, C.M., Perera, R.A.K.R., Kaneshwaran, S. (2019). Exploration of Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure Pattern of Hotel Industry: Evidence from Sri Lanka, Rajarata International Research Conference, Mihintale.
- Nagendrakumar, N., De Silva, L.M.H., Weerasinghe, D.R.M., Pathirana, G.P.T.D., Rajapakse, C.M., Perera, R.A.K.R., Kaneshwaran, S. (2019). Corporate Social Responsibility and Financial Performance in Tourism Industry, Sri Lanka. Peradeniya International Economic Research Symposium, Peradeniya.
- Nagendrakumar, N., De Silva, L.M.H., Weerasinghe, D.R.M., Pathirana, G.P.T.D., Rajapakse, C.M., Perera, R.A.K.R., Kaneshwaran, S. (2019). Disclosure of Corporate Social Responsibility in Tourism Industry, Sri Lanka. “Innovative Excellence for tomorrow” -Vavuniya Campus International Research Symposium-2019 (Vcirs-2019), Jaffna University.
- Nagendrakumar, N. (2017). Dictating factor: Public Sector Accounting and Financial Reporting Reforms in Sri Lanka. Annual Research Symposium on Social Sciences. NCAS, Colombo.<?li>
- Nagendrakumar, N. (2014). Revisiting New Public Financial Management: Financial Accounting and Financial Reporting Perspectives of Provincial Councils, Sri Lanka. 1St Students Research Day, Postgraduate Institute of Management, University of Sri Jayewardenepura.