Prof. S.Sivarajasingham
January 18, 2024 2024-12-06 18:38Prof. S.Sivarajasingham
Visiting Lecturer
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My Publications
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- Asylam, A.L., and Sivarajasingham.S (2021), Testing cointegration between Worker’s remittances and Human Capital Formation in Sri Lanka, Journal of Economic and Administrative sciences, Emerald publishing limited Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
- Asylam, A.L., and Sivarajasingham.S (2020) Remittances and Consumption Expenditure in India: An ARDL Investigation, St. Theresa Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 6,(2), 26-50.
- Asylam, A.L., and Sivarajasingham.S (2020) The inter temporal relationship between worker’s remittances and consumption expenditure in Sri Lanka. Journal of Economic and Administrative Sciences, Emerald Publishing Limited 1026-4116 DOI 10.1108
- Alfred,M and Sivarajasingham,S. (2020) Testing for Long Memory in Stock Market Returns: Evidence from Sri Lanka: A Fractional Integration Approach, SCIREA Journal of Economics, 5(1) 1-20.
- Asylam, A.L., and Sivarajasingham.S (2019) Dynamic Relationship between Workers’ Remittances and Human Capital Formation in Sri Lanka. Internat.J.Appl.Soc.Sci., 6(7) : 1724-1735.
- Mustafa, A.M.M., Sivarajasingham,S. (2019). Dynamic Linkages between Food Inflation and Its Volatility: Evidence from Sri Lankan Economy. Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business 1 6( 4) 139-145.
- Sivarajasingham,S and Mustafa, A.M.M., (2019) Does LKR/AUD exchange rate exhibit long memory ? A fractional integration approach. Journal of Business Economics. 1(1): 21-30.
- Madadeniya, M.G.C.N and Sivarajasingham,S. (2018) Which is better for Economic Growth in Sri Lanka, Trade with SARC or Trade with ASEAN? Journal of SMART ECONOMIC GROWTH, 3(3) 95-116.
- Sivarajasingham.S and Balamurali, N. (2017) Testing for Long Memory in the LKR/USD exchange rate: Evidence from Sri Lanka, Journal of Business Studies, 4(1), 79-90.
- Sivarajasingham.S and R.O.Thattil , (2015), An Empirical Analysis of Stochastic behavior of Sri Lankan Exchange Rate Changes, Journal of Management, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka, 13(01).
- Edirisinghe, N. and S.Sivarajasingham. (2015). Testing the Inter-Temporal Relationship between Government Spending and Revenue: Evidence from Sri Lanka. Global Journal of Human-Social Science: Economics, 15(7), 1-12.
- Edirisinghe, N., S.Sivarajasingham and J. Nigel. (2015). An Empirical Study of the Fisher Effect and the Dynamic Relationship between Inflation and Interest Rate in Sri Lanka. International Journal of Business and Social Research, 5(1), 47-62.
- Sivarajasingham, S., Shri Dewi Applanaidu, (2015). Is Food Price Inflation Transitory? Empirical Evidence from Sri Lanka. Asian Social Science, 11(15), 22-38.
- Sivarajasingham, S., Shri-Dewi Apllanaidu and Sallahuddin Hassan, (2015). Transmission of Global Food Prices to Domestic Prices: Evidence from Sri Lanka. Asian Social Science 11(12), 215-228.
- Amirthalingam.K and S. Sivarajasingham (2011) Reducing Fiscal Deficit in Sri Lanka: The way Forward, 12(1&2)171-184, Sri Lanka Economic Journal
- Sivarajasingham.S and A.M.M Mustafa, (2013) The Impact of Foreign Direct Investment in Exports of Board of Investment in Sri Lanka, Proceedings, Vol 1, International symposium, 03rd International Symposium , July 06th & 07th , 2013, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka.
- Moganambigai. N and S.Sivarajasingham, (2013), The Livelihood of Resettlement Northern Province in Sri Lankain the Post War Period: The study of Manthai West, Mannar, Palkalai, Vol 6, Faculty of Arts, University of Peradeniya.
- Balamurali, N, Sivarajasingam, S., (2011) Empirical investigation of the dynamic relationship between government expenditure and economic growth in Sri Lanka. Journal of management, The Journal of the Faculty of Management and Commerce, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka,7(1), 75-86.
- Sivarajasingham, S and N .Balamurali, (2010), An Empirical Analysis of The Twin Deficits: Evidence from Sri Lanka. Journal of Management, The Journal of the Faculty of Management and Commerce, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka, 7(1) ,60-79.
- Sivarajasingham. S, (2010), International Stock Price Linkages: Evidence from Sri Lanka and its trading partners, Journal of Multidisiplinary Studies, Central Bank of Sri Lanka.
- Gooijer J.G.De, Sivarajasingham.S., (2008), Parametric and nonparametric Granger causality testing: Linkages between international stock markets. PHYSICA (A), 387 (11).